My Story
Before having a stroke, María Rebeca Zamora Serdán used to knit all the time. Several sweaters, bookmarks, coasters, scarfs, furniture covers, etc., that are in her house were created by her (including the grey sweater that she is wearing in the photo on the right and all the knitted things around her photo). Unfortunately, after the stroke, my grand aunt was not able to knit again despite the fact that she tried. I think that she suffered this a lot because she loved to do it. I also think that people like her can benefit from better treatment that could have helped her to regain her knitting skills. It did not help that her stroke took place during the first lockdown, and access to better facilities and better conditions was very restricted. Fortunately, she was able to partially recover, but her health deteriorated, and I wish there would have been a better way to deal with this. By helping associations like Stroke, we might help a little bit with stroke research, and maybe in the future, we can help in a more efficient way with people like her.
I entered the Great North Run not only because I enjoy running but also in loving memory of my grand aunt, that has just passed away. I have joined #TeamStroke to help raise funds so people like my aunt might have a better chance of recovery and get access to better treatments, care and rehabilitation. Unfortunately, my aunt passed away in Mexico while I was here in the North East. This is also my way of saying goodbye.
Muy buen video, me encanta como de percibe el ambiente y se puede ver el conjunto. Es como estar ahí. Se puede oír el barullo, las pisadas, el tumulto. También da cuenta del cansancio al final de la carrera. Es todo un documento. ¿puedes comentar un poco acerca de la técnica de grabación? Es como si te estuviera siguiendo un dron personal!!!
ResponderBorrarQué bueno que te gustó el video. Algunas escenas las grabé en 360 grados, pero no pude subir el video así. Las cámaras 360 graban con dos lentes ojo de pescado que en los extremos de la imagen graban lo mismo y por medio de software se «pega» la imagen. Como es un punto ciego, el monopié que usé para sostener la cámara no se ve y pareciera que la cámara flota sin ser sostenida por nada. En el video original se puede ver todo alrededor de la cámara y hasta puedes mover la imagen. En esta versión con un editor de video, yo decido qué quiero mostrar de toda la panorámica :D Ahora ya se cómo. No había visto tu mensaje :S pero ya logré que me lleguen notificaciones de los mensajes. Me ha gustado mucho correr, es liberador, o sea que sí cansa pero al mismo tiempo es muy gratificante.