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Mexican food in danger / Comida Mexicana en peligro!

En 45 días suben casi 80% los productos de la canasta básica

El kg de tortilla subió hasta $2 en una semana; se vende a $10 o

Esta entrada va dedicada para los que le saben al inglés... no más que pa liquen que si de por si andamos mal con lo de la violencia, esto puede estar todavía pior!


In 45 days, went up almost 80% basic basket products (hope it has some meaning in english)!
It is related to the increment in the price of maize and obviously tortilla. Tortilla kilo went up till 2 pesos (10 pence) in a week; they are selling one kilo by 10 pesos (50 pence). By the way, even if your are thinking that 50 pence is ridiculous, just let me remind you that most Mexicans gain no more than £3 per day! In Mexico tortilla is the bread of everyday, we eat also bolillo, though (which nowadays is very expensive and it is made of wheat), but certainly and mainly, tortilla and all maize derivatives, e.g.:

We have much more food, but either way one thing leads to another. If we don't stop this now, we could paralyze our country forever! The Earth and the ground, belongs it to those who work and live on, by and for it!


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